Projected Costs: Lodging 5 days and 3 Days Spearfishing.
Location: Puerto Jimenez, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica
Contact: Captain Don Stanbro
Boat Charter:
Charter 28’ Rambo for 3 days x $1,200
A. Charter Fee Per Diver for 3 Divers
Beach Bungalow 3 occupants $180 x 5 days ( 2 Rooms with 2 Queen beds, Bathroom, Sitting Room )
B. Lodging Rate Per Person 5 Nights
Total Price
Total Per Diver: A and B
Meals Suggested Budget:
$08.00 to $12.00
$08.00 to $15.00( when not provided on boat )
$15:00 to $45.00
Diving Procedure
Freediving only, Maestro Spearfishing promotes the diver down, diver up buddy procedure. Please do a self-review of training and Bluewater experience to confirm ability to safely participate in this challenging activity.
As determined by reservation and deposit. When you reserve dates, a deposit of 10% of charter fee should be sent to PayPal account and the difference will be paid in cash on arrival to Captain Oscar Villalobos.
Fish Targets
Subject to water conditions and divers’ ability are Yellowfin Tuna, Wahoo, Mahi, Culebra, Grouper, Amber Jack, and Snook. All billfish are protected in Costa Rica.
International Airline Travel from Home location to San Jose, Costa Rica. Clear Customs and Immigration. No Visa is required of US citizens. Walk from International terminal to Domestic Terminal, then Domestic Airline Travel from San Jose to Puerto Jimenez on Sansa Airlines. Check into lodging, inspect equipment, dinner and relax. Please consult with us on travel plans so we can advise based on our experience.
Recommended Lodging: Aqua Dulce Beach Resort and Restaurant
https://aguadulcehotel.comTransportation from Resort to Boat provided
Spearfishing Day Format
Spearfishing on 28’ Rambo Center Console. Depart dock 7:00 AM. for Bluewater Spearfishing. Return to dock at 4:00 PM. Go to lodging, inspect equipment, and make repairs. Meet for dinner and drinks.
Bluewater spearfishing involves cruising offshore communicating with other boats, looking for birds, debris in water and dolphins to locate schools of Yellowfin Tuna, Wahoo, and Mahi. All Bluewater spearfishing is done using floats. Reels can be used for inshore spearfishing. In Bluewater when a large fish is speared, all divers will be picked up by boat to follow float. Crew or diver in boat will retrieve float and under captain supervision start bringing fish to surface. If diver or captain decide that it would be prudent to shoot the fish again, then diver will be allowed to enter water with another speargun and float to do the shot.
All fish are cleaned by crew and placed on ice in boat after photos are taken. Fish can be stored at resort and diver can take home portions in ice packed approved Airline container. All fish not consumed by divers or transported home is donated to local community.
Each diver must bring all spearfishing equipment including mask, fins, snorkel, wetsuit, weight belt, weights, spearguns, floats, float lines, extra shafts. spear tips, shooting line, crimps, and breakaway. There are no local sources to acquire these items, so plan accordingly with consideration for loss or damage.
Exposure Protection
Water temperatures are 78 to 82 degrees it is suggested you plan on using a full body Rash Guard with hood or a 1.5mm to 2mm wetsuit for exposure protection.
Personal Clothing
Should include tropical sun block type with hats, fishing face masks and sunglasses. It is recommended that a lightweight jacket with hood be brought aboard boat in case of rain.
Personal Clothing
Should include tropical sun block type with hats, fishing face masks and sunglasses. It is recommended that a lightweight jacket with hood be brought aboard boat in case of rain.
Six Day Itinerary:
Travel Days Day 1
International Airline Travel from Home location to San Jose, Costa Rica. Clear Customs and Immigration. No Visa is required of US citizens. Walk from International terminal to Domestic Terminal, then Domestic Airline Travel from San Jose to Puerto Jimenez on Sansa Airlines. Check into lodging, inspect equipment, dinner and relax
Day 2
Spearfishing on 28’ Rambo Center Console Day Trip Format
Day 3
Spearfishing 28’ Rambo Center Console Day Trip Format
Day 4
Day of rest, relaxation, equipment inspection and sightseeing.
Day 5
Spearfishing 28’ Rambo Center Console Day Trip Format
Travel Day 6
Check out from Lodging. Transport to airport. Morning flight on Sansa Airlines from Puerto Jimenez to San Jose on Sansa Airlines. Move from Local Terminal to International Terminal. International Flight from San Jose, Costa Rica to Home Location.
The preceding plan is setup based on previous experience with regards to ease regarding logistics and cost. If divers wish to make lodging and local transport plans of their own, they are responsible to be available to board boat for departure at specified time and location.
This is a sample format for 3 divers. Maestro Spearfishing has additional boats that will accommodate an additional 7 divers and 4 passengers. Please contact us to discuss what plan will best suit your group.